4 Unexpected Life Lessons I Learned From Becoming a Father

And this has been a great life-changing experience of my life.

Josef Cruz


Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

Strolling with my firstborn son during our regimented late afternoon expedition around the relaxing greeneries of our neighborhood, I never would have thought how much I’ve changed since I became a father. While I’m not very vocal about it, I have within me the urge to do my best for my children.

Though my son has become a little naughty and defiant (in an adoring and innocent kind of way) I would always find him needing guidance as he explores the world surrounding him. The look in his eyes alone — simple and without pretensions — could convey the most genuine of feelings; his tears would make me tremble, his laughter would dispel any void and his hug could numb my weariness.

Indeed there are things one can discover upon himself once an inevitable chapter of his life unfolds, and being a parent is one of them.

As I see my life then, becoming a father has taught me:

To bring out the best in me

Being imperfect that I am, I have a low tolerance when it comes to children. But having my own, however, has changed my attitude towards them.



Josef Cruz

Entrepreneur, coder, husband, father. I spend my days on the web learning and sharing information across the globe.